Self-publishing is a popular option for independent authors who want control of the creative and business side of things. When you self-publish, you become responsible for the entire process of bringing your book to the public. But you need more than just your manuscript. You also need to have the right ebook converter in order to bring your book to life in the digital age.

The idea of converting an ebook can be a somewhat scary thought if you’re entirely new to the self-publishing experience.   But not to worry, the conversion process is actually a lot easier than it sounds.  It’s simply  taking your manuscript and converting it to one of the popular ebook formats (Mobi, PDF and ePub).  These formats allow your book to be read on a variety of e-reading devices.  There are many online resources that offer conversion software. But with so many to choose from, it may be a challenge to determine the best ebook converter services.  

First, start out by determining which of the many e-book platforms you plan on listing your book for sale.  Some platforms may convert your book automatically when you upload it for sale. While other sites may require you to upload an already converted format of your book.  You can also upload your chosen format, giving you more control over which formats you want to offer for sale.


Ebook Converter Tips

Once you have an idea of the format requirements for each platform that will list your book for sale, you’ll be better equipt to choose the right ebook converter services.  ChatEbooks lists down a few resources to get you started:


Caliber is a free ebook management software application that manages ebook collections as well as create, edit and read ebooks. It provides conversions from a large number of formats such as Azw, Mobi, PDF and ePub. Aside from conversion services, Calibre also offers ebook syncing with a variety of ereaders.

eBook Partnership

Established in 2010, eBook Partnership offers ebook converter services compatible with all major ebook retailers such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Kobo. Simply provide them with your manuscript (Word, PDF or InDesign format) and you’ll receive your converted ebook in two weeks. eBook Partnership also offers a global ebook distribution service. It manages the upload of your ebook files to all major ebook retailers worldwide. can seamlessly convert any type of Word, PDF or text file to Kindle, Mobi, ePub, MS Reader. This, regardless of the volume of text, images or pictures. The finished product is an ebook that looks good on all reading devices in color or black and white.

Ebook Enhancers

Ebook Enhancers addresses the increasing demand for ePub and Kindle formats.  These formats are the most preferred conversion formats worldwide. The company has successfully converted over 25,000 books by authors who aim to e-publish their manuscripts to attract global readership. The result – an ebook compatible with any reading device including Kindle, Sony Reader, Nook, Kobo e-Reader and iPhone.


Founded in 2011, eBookIt is a service that offers conversion and distribution services for self-publishing authors. Aside from conversion services, eBookIt also provides services for clients, including book cover design, proofreading, audiobook production and distribution, and book promotion services. The website offers a manual input on formatting and conversions, setting it apart from its competitors.

With the right tools and resources, you can get help with converting your ebook and getting it out to the public with ease.  Take your time, ask fellow authors and do your own research when seeking an ebook converter service that best fits your book’s distribution needs.


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