How to Write an eBook: 8 Mistakes to Avoid

How to Write an eBook: 8 Mistakes to Avoid

Writing is never easy, especially for book writers. Putting together an eBook takes time and effort. And writing the book is just part of the equation. It also needs to be edited and published. The good news is, you couldn’t have picked a better time to write...
EBook Marketing: 7 Tips On Finding Your Niche Audience

EBook Marketing: 7 Tips On Finding Your Niche Audience

Did you know that writing an EBook could earn your thousands upon thousands of dollars in sales? As the online marketplace continues to shift, EBook sales continue to rise. This is especially notable if you are a blogger, influencer, or consider yourself an expert on...
Best Thriller Books of 2018

Best Thriller Books of 2018

We are almost halfway through 2018 and the thriller genre has been nothing short of amazing so far. That is why narrowing down the books selected for this list was a tough chore indeed. If it were up to us, we would have our readers experience every thriller out...