If you’re a published or aspiring author, you have almost certainly heard the advice, “You should start a blog!” Blogging is one of the most effective long-form marketing tools on the internet, and as writers, long-form is our strong suit. But with nearly two billion websites out there, how do you get your site noticed?

Below are some tips for starting a successful author blog.

Choose the Right Domain Name

When you’re trying to build a brand, having an easy, accessible handle is important. You want it to be something your readers can rattle off easily when they’re telling their friends about you. You don’t want something convoluted or difficult to remember.

Let’s say your name is Mary Ann Johnson and you’ve written a book titled We Are Women, Hear Us Roar; An Examination of the American Suffrage Movement from 1915-1920. You don’t want to make your domain name something like www.wearewomenhearusroarmaryannjohnson.com. Instead, try something along the lines of www.maryannjohnson.com or www.wearewomenbook.com.

Build a Beautiful Site

There are many studies that show that a first impression makes a huge difference. As an author, you are trying to convince people who don’t know or care about you or your work to part with their money to buy your work. You want to do everything you can to make a positive impression, and having a beautiful site is the first part of that.

If you have experience as a web designer, designing your own site may be an option, though you should still get feedback on it from friends. If you don’t have web design experience, one of the best investments you could make is hiring a web designer. They know pitfalls to look out for and can help you design a more functional and beautiful site than you could do on your own.


You may have heard the term “SEO” before; it’s something of a buzzword among online communities. SEO, or search engine optimization, uses search engine algorithm rules to help get your site to the top of search results. This involves keywords, links, and blog post structure, and it can make a major difference in site traffic.

There are resources out there for those wishing to learn more about SEO. Paying attention to those guidelines can help increase traffic to your blog as your site pops up in search engine results. You can also pay companies to produce custom-tailored SEO-optimized blog posts for you if you wish to go that route.

Make It Easy to Share

Social media is an enormously powerful tool in increasing your site traffic. More than 80 percent of U.S adults have a Facebook account, and that doesn’t account for platforms like Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Tumblr, and Pinterest. With that many people all gathered on one platform, you want to make sure your content is easy to share on social media.

Every blog post you put out should have easy, accessible buttons on the top and bottom of the page to share the post on various social media platforms. Having an email share option is also a good idea. This is something you can talk to your web designer about including.

Start a Successful Author Blog

As an author, putting content out into the world means a lot of holding your breath and hoping someone will take notice. Luckily, much like with writing books, following certain guidelines can increase your chance of success.

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